Embrace Wellness Now- Wellness
What is wellness?
I touched on the Wellness Wheel in a previous post, but here is a little more info.
Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.
The quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal.
What kind of teacher would I be if I didn't throw in some definitions =)
The word has wellness has grown on me over the past year. Our district completely revamped our health program and it became very wellness based. We spent a lot of time word-smithing so the word Wellness has become engrained in my mind. After all the time I spent exploring the true meaning, including wellness in my name was really a no brainer.
The definition is what really does it for me. It reminds me that wellness is such a conscious, empowering idea. The small things we do can have a big impact on our wellness.
As a health/wellness coach, I work with people each and every day to help them make small changes in their overall wellness that make a big difference in how they look, feel, and interact with their world.
So there it is. Stayed tuned for Part 3. If you missed Part 1 you can check it out by clicking here.
In Wellness,

Wellness is made of the small choices we make everyday. What have you done today to embrace wellness?
Are you ready to Embrace Wellness Now? I am here to help and support you in reaching your goals.
Here's how you can contact me:
E-mail: amy@embracewellnessnow
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EmbraceWellnessNowllc (you can also click the Facebook link on the right side of the screen).
Newsletter: You can also, sign up for my newsletter to receive more wellness tips, tricks and information. I promise I won't bombard you and the information will be worth it! Just click the newsletter button on the right side of the screen. Hope to hear from you soon!
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