Saturday, December 8, 2012

Embrace: It's All in a Name (Part 1)


I spent a lot of time trying to choose the PERFECT name for my health coaching business. As a potential new owner I wanted the name to truly capture what my mission was all about. Each word in the name "Embrace Wellness Now" was chosen for a reason.

 I started brainstorming ideas. Lots of ideas... Some of the names that didn't make the cut were:
Choose Wellness
 Choice Wellness
3 Kids and a Mom Wellness
 Out of the Box Wellness.

You get the picture.  This was a not going to be an easy decision. Then it came to me. I was reading a book and I saw the word embrace. It felt like it literally jumped off the page at me screaming USE ME, USE ME! So I checked out the definition of the word embrace.

Here are a few of my favorite definitions:

*To take up willingly or eagerly (embrace a social cause)
*Eager acceptance (Your embrace of...)
*To surround;enclose (we allowed the warm water to embrace us)
*To take or clasp in the arms; press to the bosum; hug

There was something in the word embrace that really called to me. Every time I heard the word after that a tiny little Polar Express type bell would ring in my head (you know the kind you can only hear if you believe). I just love how the word makes me feel. It's such a gentle and peaceful word. It's about acceptance and flow. It's not about force or succombing to something. But it is also a powerful word because the act of embracing can have life changing affects. It didn't take long until I knew that I had to have the word embrace in my name.

So what does this have to do with health/wellness?

So many people have a hard time accepting the lifestyle changes that will benefit them so much. Changing lifelong habits can be a difficult and intimidating process.

        Losing weight
        Exercising more
        Cutting back on sweets
        Quitting smoking
        Reducing stress

When most people think of making these changes they think about all the things they will miss or how difficult it will be, not all the wonderful things that will come into their lives by making these changes. Think about how much easier such a change would be if it was embraced, accepted, let in.

Do you have difficulty embracing lifestyle changes?

Sometimes the act of embracing can simply occur by changing our words.

 Be aware of what words you are using to describe the change:

 "I have to exercise more" can become  "I choose to exercise more' or "I am excited to exercise more."

 "I have to cut back on the sweets" can become "I choose to cut back on sweets" or "I don't eat sweets"
or "I choose to eat nourishing foods."

By changing the way we talk about the changes, we open ourselves up to the possibilities in them. We are less likely to feel like we are missing something, or working too hard, or making a lot of sacrifices. We take back our control in the situation. We move from the place of a victim to a place of choice and of course...Embrace.

Try it yourself. The next time you have the opportunity, take a moment and catch yourself before making a victim statement. Turn it around and see what happens. You may just find it changes your mind. Let me know how it goes!

Stay tuned for "It's All in a Name (Part 2)

In Wellness,

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photo credit: <a href="">Fuzzyyol</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
photo credit: <a href="">maria clara de melo</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

*DisclaimerAll content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. I am not a dietitian, nutritionist, chef, or medical professional. The information on this blog and in my coaching is based on my training, facts, research, and personal experiences. This information is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. Never dismiss any advice your health physician gives. Opinions and information presented on this site are not intended to replace the advice of your primary health care provider. Please enjoy responsibly! The owner of this blog shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or any other damages.

copyright © 2013. Embrace Wellness Now. Sharing with attribution is allowed. All other rights reserved.

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