Head over to Embrace Wellness Now to see Updated Programs
Are you a busy mom or mom-to-be?
Are you looking for simple solutions and support to help you to look better, feel better and have more energy?
Are you ready to find your fabulous?
Your fabulous is not about the size of your house, the type of car you drive, the designer clothes you wear or the amount that you weigh. It's about connecting to who you are at your core and feeling good enough to enjoy it all.
It's about:
Learning ways to make wellness easy and fit into your busy lifestyle
Looking better and feeling better
Increasing energy and your passion in your life
Implementing ways to keep your stress levels in check
Moving from a place of guilt to deserving
Being more present and focused with the ones you love
So here are a couple of fabulous truths:
1. We can have everything we want in the world but if we are not feeling our best and have low energy we can't truly make the most out of our lives . We get stuck in the trap of doing, doing and more doing-mostly for everyone else-and when it comes to taking care of us there is just no time (or so we think).
2. When we feel good, we are more productive, energetic, happier, present and patient (I can keep going with those) which equates to being better for ourselves and for our families. Think about the times that you were taking care of yourself. When you felt your best. How was life different? How did you feel and act?
Let me guess... When you take care of yourself you were better able to handle the chaos of your busy life. You were better able to do it all and be it all. Am I right? Of course I am. If you have never felt your best all the more reason to contact me.
3. Even though you "have it all" you deserve more. You deserve to ENJOY it all! Let me repeat that and bold it because it is so incredibly important. Even though you "have it all" you deserve more. You deserve to ENJOY it all! You really do. Plain and simple.
Do these truths ring true for you? Do you want the tools and support to create a healthier you?
Now is the time! Invest in yourself!
I offer several individualized programs to help you get started.
Click here for programs page
But I don't have the time to implement a full work out program. I have a husband, kids, a job, the house, the cat, the dog.... I barely have time to sleep!
What if there was another way? What if in just 15 minutes a day you could take significant steps toward improved well being? Could you make that investment in yourself (and remember by making an investment in yourself, your family will benefit as well-we all know that had to be said).
With e-mail, phone, Skype and Face Time options, even the busiest of moms can fit these programs into their schedule.
Schedule a no risk, free initial consultation with me today! Your fabulous is waiting...
Head over to Embrace Wellness Now for updated programs
*Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian, nutritionist, chef, or medical professional. The information on this blog and in my coaching is based on my training through IIN, facts, research, and personal experiences. This information is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. Never dismiss any advice your health physician gives. I shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or any other damages.
Content copyright 2013. Embrace Wellness Now. All rights reserved.
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